This time MEMO DOG interviewed a Dog trainer Barbara Soprani from Italy that have 360 degrees of professionalism .This interview that looks more like a journey into the life of a dog trainer. I can only, to wish you good reading
(If you find grammatical errors are my fault. The interview was translated from Italian)
Ok , first of all some warm up questions for a brilliant interview start...
What are you doing for lunch tomorrow?
a nice mixed salad and why not of smoked salmon with lemon!
Do you Relax your feet in water?
Have you ever done a race barefoot?
unfortunately no but might be a good idea if done on the grass!
Ok , Now you are ready.Let's begin the REAL interview…
Introduce your person
My name is Barbara's name and in deed! I've always been fond of animals and nature since childhood! I cultivated my passion for trying to study the behavior of my pet: from dwarf rabbits to turtles to parrots canaries hamsters Russian land and water turtles, fish albino frogs and geese! I have helped and still help the animals that live in nature, I dedicate myself to their care and rehabilitation and their reintegration in the wild: mallard ducks, bats, swallows, hedgehogs, salamanders, crows ...
But the biggest passion are, of course the DOGS inseparable friends with whom I began my career as a hobby about 18 years ago with my first dog, Penny a working rottweiler! Currently I have 3 older mixed dogs and a 4 and a half years old border collie which I enjoy compete in Agility, Disc Dog, Rally- obedience and dog dance!
I'm currently recognized Professional Dog trainer APNEC (National Association of Professional Educators Kennelclubs) and license-CONI CSEN Kennel Industry (Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale) and I got in the MASTER DOG EDUCATION 2008-2009 University of Pisa.
you tube channel Giococolcane
what is your program and what technique do you use?
The in-depth knowledge, sensitivity and patience, learning to play, but above all respect for all living beings are the main tool of my philosophy that helped me to have a balanced relationship and satisfaction with the dog without 'use of punishment, coercion or undue arrogance.
My teaching method is the so-called "Method Gentile" because the dog is rewarded only and exclusively when performing the right action so that with positive reinforcement.I am also convinced that to work well with your dog as well as knowing how to communicate with him there should be a good preparation for the owner to interact in a "playful" because the dog (as long as a puppy) is learning more and that's all for funbecause the name I chose for my site is "PLAYING WITH THE DOG! GIOCO COL CANE”!
My philosophy is to learn by playing, for if the basic commands and be taught the basic rules by playing the dog will learn faster. You should never force the animal, but try to educate when it is available, the game helps a lot because it makes the dog learns that without it becoming for him a kind of tedious work!
With your dog can "play" at all ages, there are no limits: from the adolescent child, the adult to the elderly, just knowing how to choose the games fair and appropriate to the type of dog that is the type of owner ! To help this along with the owners to assess what you can do with your 4-legged friend by combining business with pleasure but also try to teach to establish the relationship of interaction that will make life with your four-legged an unforgettable experience!
I begin to work with puppies at 2 months of age always taught through the game without force and of course leaving the puppy to do the puppy!
Explain better your technique and socialization with the puppies
The first three - five months of life are most important for the correct behavior of the puppy and set the most of our relationship with him. A dog properly stimulated and socialized in the first months, then problems such as difficult to show aggression or fear as an adult. ... .. if we follow our good friend for the first year of life we're halfway there!
The school is definitely fun for puppies and for the owner for the puppy as experience with different experiences, in addition to socializing with dogs, children and people with other animals and receive all the information necessary for its management at home.
During the talks, for the correct behavior, the puppy is given the chance to play in a protected environment, with other puppies or adult dogs balanced. In this way, socialize, learn to behave properly with others, not to be afraid and do not develop aggression against them.
Owners will receive all the information needed to manage the new arrival and solve the typical problems: pee in the house, improper use of the mouth and bite, the destructiveness to excessive vocalizations, and so on.
The purpose of my lectures is to undertake the development of our little friend in a balanced and peaceful family life and inserting it into the newspaper so quiet that no problems arise from phobias, fears and aggression and so on.
Generally I do not do group lessons because they are convinced that each and every pet owner have different needs from each other. My philosophy is to study the pair as a function of breed(if the dog is bred or mixed breed, however, I evaluate what kind of intersection belongs) and the characteristics of the owner to set ad hoc lessons concerning the choice of games to play together and help owners to reach expectations or objectives that would achieve with their little friend.
The main thing is still able to convey to them that the dog communicates differently from ours: he uses every part of his body, the position of the ears, tail and body posture, especially while we use the word. If not we will try to understand it, we will stay like two strangers who speak different languages, and the distance between us and he will become larger leading to unnecessary misunderstandings.
Knowing the language of the dog will bring us closer to him and to understand it really.So, you should remember that it takes kindness, but at the same time, consistency and firmness, patience and the desire to understand it better! I am convinced that this is one of the keys to success that will bring the owners with their 4-legged!
You practice "management of the dog at home" Tell me the more funny story that happened to you
It is also practical lessons at home! The funny thing (if I may say so!) Was a few months ago when called me a dog owner who lives in a „villa“ with a garden for a behavior problem of aggression towards people of his Caucasian Shepherd male 2 years! His claim that I must enter in the garden where was waiting the dog (a 70kg of dog!) even free without a muzzle! He said: "Come in , come," and I said, "but sorry I said that the dog has aggression issues with people?" And he replied: "Yes indeed!"and adds a little 'angry: "tone... .. but you are the dog trainer ,or not? "I say," you certainly are! .... but this is not a reason that your dog eat me!!!!". What's "funny" think about it is that sometimes dog owners really have good claims! And if now I'm here to tell you these things unharmed to say that I did take precautions!
How much time do you spend for training your dogs
Generally I train two times a week , for the rest of my dogs are family life and the countryside but are also educated so they can come with me everywhere! If I have to teach new tricks sometimes I do it on the couch in the living room without having precise moments! When we feel like both!
The most common reason for which people come to you with dogs?
would have behaved dogs on a daily basis because they realize that my motto "a trained dog is a lucky dog 'and' right and my dogs are a good example, my business card! A dog is a dog trained to manage and is not a problem when you carry it around!
what is the most common mistake you see the people who do come to you?
treat dogs like children and then give her daughters often all won!
Your best moment in the career of instructor
The greatest satisfaction to me to give my students every day who are the owners of the dogs because they often call me telling me about their successes with their 4-legged friends, and then to say that I was able to convey what information they need to solve their problems.
For me the best moments are every time I get on the podium because it means that we have worked well and are in perfect harmony with my dogs!
On what projects are you working for the future?
We have just completed Olimpyc Dog Games and we are trying to spread the Disc Dog in Italy for you to grow a healthy passion for this sport in our country. In my little I'm trying to spread the sports and make people understand that a dog can do many things other than the usual walk! My philosophy is to make people understand that we can live Sport as a time of social gathering and entertainment for all ages: sharing with others his passion for 4-legged friends!
where you see yourself in 3 years
mah who knows? .... Of course I see around the world stage trying to improve and deepen my knowledge, my training is always evolving as they are convinced that in life you're never finished learning!
want to add something?
Yes, I would like to thank all those I met in my life who have shared a little way with me and helped me become who I am. But most of all thank all of my dogs (all recovered), and my animals for all they gave me without ever asking anything in return! I thank them, for better or for worse I have created many difficulties but at the same time have given me many rewards and satisfactions for the work done together, and if I had not had them at this time, perhaps, would not be here to talk of these topics!
you tube channel Giococolcane
All the photos are a courtesy of Barbara Soprani (