Sherwood CaniX and 5XC (5km and 2.5km)
Date: Saturday 4 + Sunday 5 December 2010
Closing date: Monday, 29 November
Venue: Sherwood Pines Forest Park, Nr Mansfield, Notts
5XC - 5XC is cross-country running (without a dog) over +/- 5km distance. To enter you must be 17+ with races divided into male and female classes.
quote from
Probably the most famous Forest in the world thanks to Robin Hood and his merry men. It is the largest wodland open to the public in the East Midlands. There are over 1200 hectares of majestic trees, woodland and open heath and is a great place to run, walk, cycle, or horse ride. CaniX will be close to the Sherwood Pines Forest Park visitor centre (NB not to be confused with Sherwood Forest Country Park, which is slightly further north).
More informations here
Mitch CaniX Season 2009-2010
by srborders
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