On the 5th and 6th of february the Helsingin Agility Urheilijat ry (HAU) organize two agility competition at the Purina Agility Arena in Helsinki , Finland more informations here deadline : 1st of february video 28.11.2010 Parcol Hugo @ Purina Arena, Helsinki, Max 3, hyppyrata by jpkaariainen
On the 12th and 13th of february the Oblastní Skupina Agility VOSA organize the 2nd event of the VOSA CUP 2011 location:Místo konání: jezdecká hala Sviadnov, ul. Pod štandlem, / Hall Sviadnov riding, street Pod Standl, GPS: 49° 40' 51,612'' N, 18° 18' 48,11'' E deadline : 7th of february more informations here video Vosa Cup 15.1.2011 avi by de1ly
On the 12th of february the Kinologicky Klub Komorany / Dog Club Komorany organize the 15. halové DVOJZKOUŠKY / 15 Indoor DVOJZKOUŠKY at the riding hall (the surface: sand) ranch in El Paso ve Svojeticích , Czech rep. more infomrations here video Karel Spáčil - Cutting na Ranchi El Paso ve Svojeticích by valihrach1
On the 12th and 13th of february the TJ Sokol Maxičky and Skiareál Horní Mísečky organize the H o r n í M í s e č k y the first skijoring race of the year in Czech rep. Category: SKJM, SKJW, SKJ2 deadline 7th february more informations here video Horni Misecky by MartinSupich
On the 13th of february the Training Club Canin du Girlenhirsch – ALSACE organize a dog dance event in Illkirch ,France more informations here video Bridget Obé-Rythmée concours TC Girlenhirsch le 13.03.10 by Tootsy2410
AGILITY - WINTERCUP Reithalle Graschnitz 2011 date : 6 march organized by: Ö.R.K. Bezirksgruppe / R o t t i e s & F r i e n d s location: Gschnitz , Germany more informations here deadline 1st of february video Agility - Winter Cup, Graschnitz. 2009 Agility run 1 fault and 8th place, jumping disc. Final, 13th place by kalahit
FCI Championships and French CUP of Tracking dog On the 12th and 13th February 2011 organized by KENNEL CLUB SPORTS MANOSQUIN /CANINE SOCIETY MIDI RIVIERA Location: FIELD Naisse Trail 04100 MANOSQUE more informations here video Cenka Vom Falke Königlich Rottweiler Femelle Pistage FCI by cenkran
Here you have a report with results and photo galleries and video about the 3rd canicross de Badalona organized by the Agility club de Badalona in Badalona , Spain on the 23rd of janaury 2011 report here photo gallery 1 photo gallery 2 video Salida canicross Badalona 2011 by debodegueros
Here you have the results and videos about the agility competition held by the Gruppo Cinofilo Milanese in Milan ,Italy on the 22nd and 23rd of janaury 2011 results here videos Franca e Megan - Rho Pero (MI) by TheVidvid1972
Here you have the results and some videos about the Canicross Boborás a 8km canicross event organized by Associacion Acade in Boborás (Ourense) , Spain on the 23rd of janaury 2011 results here video XI Canicross Boborás 2011 part 1 by matogrosso0507
Here you have the results and videos about the agility competition held at the Club d'Agility Vallès Grup Caní in Vallès , Spain on the 22nd and 23rd of january 2011 results here and here videos Valles 22 gener 2011 NitJ by AgilityCanic
On February 27th , 2011 the Lightning Strikes organize a flyball event at the The Mole Barn, Leatherhead Leisure Centre, Surrey KT22 9BL Closing date for entries - 29th Jan 2011 more informations here and here video Lightning Strikes Flyball Team, Chlilterns 19-07-09 by breezebordercollie
On the 5th and 6th of february the A.S.D. JOY BEACH AGILITY DOG SCHOOL and GRUPPO CINOFILO PONTINO organize two agility competitions in Latina more informations here deadline 1st of february video Gara Latina febbraio 2010 by robertofornetti