name: Claudia Fugazza
sport: Agility , rally obedience
country: Italy
Favorite food ?
Chocolate, of course!
When did you get your own first dogs?
I was born with dogs: my family had 2 german shepherds and they were my baby sitters.
The female Biba taught me to walk helping me by holding me while I did my first steps
Top films for you? mmmm... I don't like watching tv very much, I prefer reading.
My top books: "Il gabbiano Johnatan Livingstone" Richard Bach
"Dogs:A new understanding of canine origin, behaviour and evolution" Raymond and Lorna Coppinger
"The promise of the wolves" Dorothy Earst
The last thing you did that made you happy ?
A "do as I do" training today with a very smart dog and it's owner.
It always makes me happy when I help making a relationship so special!
Are you a vegan?
Dogs have the ability to replicate the actions of man, and this cognitive ability can be used as technical training.
In this video the dog (India, Czech wolfhound) mimics three different actions on the same subject
by ClaudiaFugazza
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