From the 16th to the19th of december the T.J. Oravská Lesná, obec Oravská Lesná / Orava Forest, Forest Orava village organize a sleddog race called Lesňanský long in Oravská Lesná – Areál T.J. Oravská Lesná /Orava Forest - Campus TJ Orava Forest , Slovakia
MID: SKJ2, MB, MB1, MU, MU1 (30 km).
3 stages, including the night (20km), the first stage 17.12 2010 from 18.00. (Meeting 17.00)
LONG: LT1, LT2, LTO (45 km).
4 stages including night (20km), plus the bivouac, the first stage 12.17 2010 from 9.00 pm. (Meeting 8.00)
SPRINT: JCE, JCE 1, D1, D2, C, C1, C2, B2, A, A1-B1 (8-12 km)
2 stages (nocturnal phase is optional) first stage 12.18 2010 from 9.00 pm. (Meeting 8.00)
The number of teams for each category is unlimited!
deadline 10 december
more informations here
Dogtrekking v Or. Lesnej by TVoravia
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