3rd International Scharnitz Sleddograce 1st + 2nd heat: 8.1 + 09/01/2011
Nightrun: Thursday, 06/01/2011, starting from 18:00
award ceremony: 7.1. at 19:30 in the Risserhof
starting from 10:00 clock (*), award ceremony: Sunday
approx. 1 hour after last incoming participant
Location: Seefeld / Stake Out: Scharnitz / Tirol
Categories: skijoring, sled, D, C, B, A, O, Happy Dog,
motto: "run together, separated valuation"
Attention: limited number of participants
Trail: GPS-proofed: 8, 12 and 16 km
deadline:2nd of january
more informations here and here
Schlittenhunderennen Scharnitz 2010
by 2311Starlight
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