when it comes to talk about rally obediece in Italy you can't appoint Laura.
She is a highly respected instructor of rally obedience and agility . She also does Pet Therapy and animal-human relationship educational activities in schools. At the Dog Olympic Games she gave us a good result by showing that his commitment and work has been done well. What to write...read this interview and have fun with your dog(after the reading)
warm up questions...
you prefer a cup of coffee or tea ?
Coffee in the morning , tee in the afternoon
the last time you were cycling ?
I don’t remember it
last time you opened the fridge / why?
This morning to take some milk for my cup of coffee
Let's move on to something more useful ... to the interview
could you tell our readers a little about yourself
I was born and live in Trieste, Italy, I am married and have a son, and at the moment I have Luna, a Cairn Terrier female , 15 years old now, and Mia a Border Collie female , 5 years old.
I have always loved dogs , so when I married and had my own house I had my first dog , aGerman shepherd female.
So to relate better to my dogs I begun to take part to courses and lectures given by skilful trainers, scientists and everyone could teach me more about dogs. Some of them : R. ABRANTES, R. APLLEBY, S. CLOTHIER, I. DUNBAR, I. FARINAZZO, C. MARZOLI, I. SJOSTEN, B. SOPRANI, S. TRKMAN (alphabetical order!)
I like to pass all I have learned to other dog owners so I became became an instructor myself.
Now I teach Rally Obedience and Agility to my pupils.
Can you explain what is Vivere il Cane?
Vivere il Cane ( To live the dog) is an association of italian dog trainers that also organizes COURSES with important not Italian ethologist or dog trainers to spread a correct information about dogs.
Tell us all about your program.
Now I’m preparing for RALLY O competitions in Slovenia and Italy , and also, as soon the weather will be better , I will start to train again in AGILITY, because this winter was too wet and cold to do a good plan , and nor my dog, neither I, are ready for agility competition at the moment.
How much time you devote to training during the week?
I train with my dog three times a week , twice agility and once a week Rally O , but it depends also of the season , and if we have to prepare for competitions
You specialize in rally obedience, you did a podium at Olympiad, how it was?
It was really F A N T A S T I C!
What do you think about the dog olympic games? You have found something to change, some lack?
The 2010 D.O.G. was a first time event with a lot of competitors , and it is not simple to organize such a big event. What I found really disturbing the lack of coordination in the schedule of competitions. I took part in Agility and Rally O courses , and I had to compete in the same time in both disciplines, on two different and far away fields . So I choose to compete in Rally O without reconnaissance, and after agility and Jumping courses I have to drive to the Rally O field, where they was just waiting for me , as the last competitor... And my dog MIA was so generous to give me all her concentration and will to follow me in the RALLY O course!!!
How is the rally obedience scene in Italy?
It is a new discipline not yet spread . We have two different regulations , one for each association that promotes the discipline, but it is not yet recognized by ENCI , the Italian FCI association. The rules and the exercises are thought to allow every owner that has followed a basic obedience course to make a competition to test his qualification. These competitions are not make only for specific breed like IPO competitions.
What are your views regarding Cesar Millan and his dog training techniques?
I do not like the technique that Cesar Millan uses to solve the dogs’ problems. He uses only force to inhibit the behavior, just to impress television audience , and the method seems to work , till he is present , but very little changes when the owner is alone , and the price the dog must pay is really high, especially when the problem is caused by fear. What he teaches has nothing to do with an ethological relationship with MAN’S BEST FRIEND. I know that sometimes the dog could be aggressive and dangerous, but more culture could prepare future owners not to buy breeds not suitable to their lifestyle, and the absolute necessity to follow obedience courses , where no coercion methods are teaching.
What are the three most common reasons why dog owners comes to you?
The dog pull on leash; the dog doesn’t want to stay alone at home; and finally because they want learn how to have a dog who can spend all the time with the owner because it is an happy, educated dog!
Plans for the future
To improve my capacity to understand dogs, to see always better what they are thinking and feeling I will attend Ivan Farinazzo , Devil’s Lair school in Vicenza. Also because when you are training dogs for competition you have to consider that the quality of the exercises must be at the top, the physical and mental conditions of the dog must be trained as well , with correct amount of time of training and time of rest. Because you can win a competition but you can also “broke” the dog!
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Dogs are the best for me , I cannot live without them!!!!!
Laura Ceccolini and Mia Dog Olympic Games 3° R.O.
by maurinovo
Laura Ceccolini and MIA Italy II° place in Slovenia (april 2010)
by maurinovo
all the photos are a courtesy of Laura Ceccolini
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